How It All Started

Bob Phillips

The title of this blog was inspired by one of my Spanish professor's at Miami University of Ohio, Dr. Robert Phillips, who died in the e...

Friday, January 22, 2021

CCC: Chicken Corn Chowdah

The recipe for Easy Corn and Chicken Chowder I found on All Recipes was indeed easy, and I think it was easier and yummier than what I found on our cookbook shelf. 

I departed from the recipe in three rather minor ways. First, this includes "rotisserie chicken," which we are starting to notice in a lot of "easy" recipes. We find it just as easy -- especially because we are working at home even. more than usual these days -- to cook the chicken rather than buying it from under a heat lamp at the local grocery. We also have greater assurance of the quality and provenance of the chicken. A couple hours ahead of dinner, I boiled breasts from Commonwealth Poultry, adding a bay leaf to the water. I then had time to cool and shred (using two forks in a bowl as always) before adding the chicken according to the recipe instructions.

I did not include a carrot because I did not have one. The method of incorporating flour was something I had not seen, and I did indeed end up with a paste of flour, butter, and aromatic vegetables in a small pan that I set aside to cool while I chopped things for the main soup pot. I used tiny red potatoes with skin on, rather than russets. I also used only one kind of corn.

After boiling for 15 minutes (with heat a bit too high, resulting in some scorching), I added 2 cups of half-and-half, rather than the 2-1/2 cups called for. I notice this amount in a lot of recipes, and never buy a second carton to get the extra half cup.

The result: very creamy, a bit decadent in fact. It went well with corn bread baked by Pam and of course some Malbec.

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