How It All Started

Bob Phillips

The title of this blog was inspired by one of my Spanish professor's at Miami University of Ohio, Dr. Robert Phillips, who died in the e...

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Chicken Florentine


Often when I post about a recipe from the New York Times Cooking Pages the name of the dish gives all (or most) of the ingredient list, not so with Chicken Florentine which goes even further in its "not like the others-ness" in that the ingredient list provided does not provide any measures. This list simply reads:

Chicken breasts

Extra-virgin olive oil




White wine

Heavy cream, sour cream or yogurt

There are instructions, however about what to do with the ingredients. I followed the steps provided using the two chicken breasts we got from our weekly delivery. As I've discovered on previous attempts to cook these in a skillet the breasts are very thick and any indication that they can be cooked through with 5-6 minutes per side is pure fantasy. I doubled the time and still had to give it a final blast in the microwave to cook it to a safe doneness. 

As for the portions of the rest of the ingredients the instructions do call for two tablespoons each of butter and olive oil, as well as 1/2 cup white wine.  Otherwise I went with a dollop of sour cream, and four large handfuls of spinach leaves.