How It All Started

Bob Phillips

The title of this blog was inspired by one of my Spanish professor's at Miami University of Ohio, Dr. Robert Phillips, who died in the e...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Belated Berry Loaf

 Our family was in two different places for the occasion of our son Harvey's 27th birthday, so we decided to celebrate belatedly. The rule in our house is that we get whatever kind of cake/pie/dessert we want for our birthday. When he mentioned something in the berry and/or lemon category, all eyes (including mine) turned toward me. I love this category! 

Pamela had already done her part by harvesting some blackberries from the very prickly bushes that have overtaken much of the grounds at Cloverfield. This will be our last season in Bridgewater, as we are consolidating our households to Whalinghouse, our little weekend home by the sea. But I digress (per usual).

In this case, I started with a google search of the key ingredients ("raspberry" is a better search term than "blackberry" for some reason) and landed at AllRecipes, where I would usually have started such a search. I found its Lemon-Black Raspberry Bread to be the simplest option and I followed it nearly to the letter.

My small exceptions: 

  • I "greased" the loaf pan with a lemon-infused olive oil.
  • I zested two lemons (with a carrot peeler) and then squoze both of them for lemon juice. I poured that juice through a strainer to catch the seeds.
As with many posts on this blog, I realized that the final product would not make an interesting photo, but this tableau of the dry ingredients appealed to me (pun intended).
Loaf, in progress

As I write this, the loaf is on the counter and the glaze in the fridge, as we head out for futher celebrations -- to see the elephants of Newport!